"As scientists, we are all used to discussing the complex in and outs of our research with each other, but it is just as important to be able to explain our research and its importance to a wider audience. Having had first-hand experience in geology outreach working with the NW Highlands Geopark it’s really highlighted how important effective communication is. I hope this year’s CENTA Conference will give people the opportunity to try out engaging ways of talking about their research and well as listening to the experiences and advice from our cracking keynotes and workshops!"
Get in touch with Cara via her twitter, LinkedIn, or check out her DTP page here!
"As a researcher funded by the taxpayer, I believe it’s crucial to engage with the public and explain how my science contributes to tackling real world problems. Finding new ways of doing this through public talks, museum outreach events and even game shows has been a highlight of my career so far. By organising the CENTA 2020 conference, I hope we can highlight the importance of the cohort’s research and find new ways to bring this to the public’s attention."
Get in touch with Chris via his twitter, LinkedIn, or check out his DTP page here!

"Even world-class research is of limited use if those conducting it cannot communicate it. The world needs science to tackle the complex challenges lying ahead - but it is crucial that everyone is on board. Outreach projects I have been involved with such as Brilliant Club, Girls into Geoscience and Responsible Raw Materials have highlighted this to me even more - and highlighted its importance within equality and inclusivity. Hosting this conference and allowing the DTP to practice these skills has been a joy."
Get in touch with Rose via her twitter, LinkedIn, or check out her DTP page here!